now playing
2005-06 SEASON
Box Office (503) 306-0870

The Flu Season

The Love of the Nightingale

Like I Say

Big Wheel Bingo

The 24-Hour Plays

Anonymous Theatre

The 24-Hour Plays

Performing May 20, 2006 at 8:00 PM
in the Arena Theatre at Theater! Theatre!

Four writers, four directors, and sixteen actors met in a room late Friday night. The actors had polaroids taken. Each writer then randomly drew four photos and a director. Driven by inspiration and caffeine, the playwrights stayed up all night and created the scripts. The actors and directors returned in the morning and then spent the day rehearsing. Saturday evening, the plays were presented to the public.


Blue Line
Written by Lava Alapai
Directed by Kristan Seemel

Fiona: Skeeter Greene
Morgan: Gary Norman*
Pete: Joe Bolenbaugh
Ingrid: Ina Strauss

The Tucumcari Morality Play
Written by Todd Pozycki
Directed by Sharon Sassone

Darla: Buffie Rogers
Destiny: Darius Pierce*
Purity: Camille Cettina*
Patti: Deanna Wells

The Furnished
Written by Matthew B. Zrebski

Directed by Jesse Young*

Caleb: Zero Feeney
Claudia: Kerry Silva Ryan*
Scotty: Rollin Carlson
Howard: Nathan Gale*

There is a Hat
Written by James Moore
Directed by Ben Plont**

Looper: Sabra Choi
Heater: Heather Rose Walters*
Tom: Todd Van Voris*
Harry: Mario Calcagno*


Stage Manager: Nicole Gladwin
Lighting Designer: Jeff Woods
Sound Designer: Annalise Albright
Fight Choreography: Tom Moorman*
Program Design: Melody Bridges*
Production Managers: Tom Moorman* & Julie Starbird*

* Current member of the Theatre Vertigo acting ensemble
** Former member of the Theatre Vertigo acting ensemble


Theatre Vertigo plays at the landmark Theater! Theatre! building
3430 SE Belmont, Portland OR • (503) 306-0870 • [email protected]

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